Healdsburg In-Town Escape

Set on a busy corner near Healdburg’s central square, this classic home is designed and completely renovated in a traditional farmhouse style, with strict geometries and proportions. Landscape Architect’s Lucas & Lucas’ goal was to layer the landscape front garden to create visual interest, providing a filtered view of the house and forming a buffer from the bustle of the street.

The gardens are fairly formal in their overall structure, while maintaining a sense of softness. Lavender, crepe myrtle, clipped boxwood and pyramidal hornbeams create a layered, largely symmetrical composition in the front yard. Walkways of substantial three by five-foot bluestone pavers traverse both front and rear gardens, softened by creeping thyme. The walkways connect an existing apple tree in front and an antique fountain placed to help mask street noise in the rear garden.

The swimming pool was aligned with the home’s central rear doors, forming a connection between the indoor and outdoor spaces. This placement also allows for a large living space next to the pool.

Landscape Architecture: Lucas and Lucas
Photography: Suzanne Becker Bronk Photography